“a good day”

seriously… nothing like a circus! Takes us back to being kids and helps us hang on to that childhood innocence I feel we all need to keep in place in our pockets.. if not for every day but just for when you don’t want to be a grown-up and want to fly away with Peter Pan… sometimes I wish Peter Pan would just come to my window and sprinkle some pixie dust on all of us and we can fly to Neverland for a few days.


so I brought us some treats… some animal cookies.. so circus! I always try to distract and not fall into that line of cotton candy or over priced bright yellow popcorn… eek… makes me shiver. so bad for the little one’s bellies… but of course the cotton candy dealers start pacing by and Isabelle starts to whine and whine… but I stand my ground and praise the animal cookies brought from home.


me and the girls at intermission… already such fun! The oooohs and ahhhs of the circus… the crowd singing and swaying and eeeking in distress… the smell of horse poop, the sparkly costumes… this is the life!


a shot Mattias took from his hip… a hip shot! fun to do here and there because it’s always a surprise at what you will get… and this for sure was a good one! look how happy she is… even without the cotton candy!

as I squeezed my little babies tighter and tighter and Mattias had his arm all cozy around us girls… Isabelle would say… “Mamma, this is a good day..” “Thank you for taking us to the circus!” I love her!


and the best of all… the Walendez family!!! The TIGHT ROPE!!! this was unbelievable! Seriously… they did the famous pyramid which no one has ever done before… my heart pretty much stopped while they balanced above our hearts and lifted us all up to a roooaring cheer when they reached the other side! I had goosebumps and tears dripping from my cheeks! I looked at Mattias and his eyes were full as well! It was amazing and something we will always remember!

Hooray for the circus! and thanks for “a good day!”