a sticky gooey Pappas day….


there is something about holidays that always take me back to my childhood… our traditions… the ways we did things and all of the fun it was to be a kid… then I look to my children and I let them create some memories with influences from both my memories and Pappas… and the cycle rhythmically begins… yet again

I remember tip toeing about my home with my older brother… creeping down our stairs to make my Daddy a lovely breakfast in bed… lots of toast with butter dripping off… maybe peanut butter… coffee with lots of grounds scattered about… he was always so happy to receive our thoughtful meal and ate every last bit….



after breakfast in bed we took the morning out into our garden…


a little painting…


then as the evening rolled in… it became the perfect night for a relaxing fire and some sticky gooey smores… a really fun idea indeed


all the Pappas… my Daddy, my brother -which is Isabelle’s God-Father, and Pappa ……. I just love how Cecilia is looking up to my father there… so cute!




my Grandmother -Mimi, came too which was a treat… it’s so nice to have her… she love to sit and just watch our girls… maybe remembering when she was my age with her own little family… celebrating Father’s Day…


ohhhhh and then there is always silly Isabelle… such an entertainer