red white and blue family day… and a sweet surprise…


It was such a beautiful Memorial Day weekend… not too many things to do but just be together and have picnics… We went to our Botanical Gardens with a basket of goodies and let our feet be bare and our hearts be open… we saw so many things…


sat here and ate so many goodies and listened to so many birds squawking and butterflies flitting every which way… a treat!


my new fave… Pappa’s specialty… sliced grape tomatoes, LOTS of garlic, capers, parsley, and a bunch of olive oil… all served on some yummy Wasa crisp bread w/ a little butter… it’s sooo so good.. you have to try it!!! a nice summer treat


feeding the coi fish



I never get tired of the banyan trees… they’re everywhere in this beautiful town we call home… Sometimes they have such a magical feel to them… with the sunlight flickering through their branches… sometimes they feel a little spooky… They’re so fun to hid inside… to hang from branches… to play house in even pirate ships… climbing trees, I believe, keeps kids grounded and let their hearts and imaginations soar…..

AND….. LASTLY…. I very special surprise came in the mail a few days ago………. MEET LULU!!!!!!!


I was so excited to win this gorgeous girl on Seaside Siblings!!!!!
you MUST check out her adorable blog!!! She’s the sweetest Mamma!! all the way from….. NEW ZEALAND!!! Our girls LOOOVE their new little dollie Lulu… you’ll be seeing more pics of her soon I am sure…