we had so much fun at this wedding! even though we were taking photos… how could I helps myself… I fully enjoyed it completely! sometimes as a mom my head can begin to spin, heart gets fluttery… stress starts to sneak in… I am pretty good at putting up my hand to the stress and opening my heart to really enjoying life… it’s the best recipe! it takes constant maintanence and the willing to let loose but man oh man the reward of letting the kids get dirty, have belly laughs, run through the grass barefoot so that the dewy grass sticks to your legs all the way to your knees… it’s fantastic and I wouldn’t want to live any other way……..
so we had some fun this weekend! danced until my toesies hurt… had so much wine… twirled our girls until their cheeks hurt from giggles! It was a Scottish style Swedish wedding… intriguing huh! wow, the dancing!!! Scottish country dancing is so fun… so dizzy… so clappy! a blast!
walking to the wedding site gave me goosebumps and I couldn’t help myself but to imagine I was in Robinhood… don’t you think it totally looks as so…
look at her beautiful dress! Our oldest, Isabelle, said to me, “Mamma, can I dance with the princess…”
frolicking children… I mean, can you stand it… lovely!
our sweet girlies..
I even got my picture taken… imagine that! 🙂
homemade ice cream and berries… yummmmmy!
Isabelle dancing with “the princess” … she really was in awe…
this was beautiful! rice paper lanterns… you lit them and the heat of the flame caused them to fly away… the sight was amazing… I still get chills from the memory…