oh the snow….

we made it back from the winter wonderland… and all I can say is wow… it was absolutely beautiful!


we were totally our of our element and it felt really good! I love traveling together… we make it such an adventure… we have a “team Carlsson” secret handshake that we giggle … when things get out of sorts one always remembers we need to reconnect regroup and come together… being a family feels like a team at times… we work together… run our house together… meals… the goal being… a happy life together… I love our team!


to travel together… being in a different land together… experiencing different things… temperatures… is quite refreshing… and so is that crisp cool air!


so the land we traveled to was Canada! I have a lot of family in Ontario and my cousin was getting married in London, Ont. She asked our company to photograph her wedding day and I jumped with happiness… I could not wait to visit Canada! We have never been as a family and I really wanted to get up there so that our children had a fun chance to play with all of their cousins. When I was a kid we would go to Canada nearly every summer… we drove all the way up and back and gosh, I have so many fond memories of that! It was fun to show my family around the places I remembered…..



I remember this park quite clear… minus the snow maybe… I would go there with my cousins… walk from their homes and play at the park… and find coins to stop and buy candy with on the way home… 🙂


I haven’t experienced snow in quite awhile… when Pappa Mattias and I were just dating we went to Sweden for Christmas and went skiing… it was fantastic… but it felt different this time… as a more developed photographer maybe… as a mother… as a wife… it just felt different. Do you ever notice how you see things differently now as a mother… as a father… I don’t know what it is … but it just feels different… I take things a little slower now… have different priorities… take things in a bit more maybe. because I have experienced how precious simple things are… and I know how precious time is…

I loved how the snow was sparkling in the sunshine… it looked like little flecks of glitter… to actually get nose to nose with a snowflake is just amazing… the little points the little cutouts… the little shapes in tiny itty bitty perfection is beautiful to say the least…




little Cecilia was not as fond as her big sister was of the snow… she couldn’t quite figure out how to move around when snow was up above her head… she was usually up to her belly in snow and to a little one who has never experienced snow… it must have been quite scary… to see how she felt I knelt down to her level and looked around… and my gosh it was scary… bits of icy snow poofing on your cheeks… was a cold surprise… so from then on I gave her a few extra cuddles here and there… and yes, she grew quite happy attached to my hips or on our heads…

more tomorrow………..