I love Easter! I love the simplicity of it! I love the pastels the eggs and gosh I LOVE that bunny!
I love how there is not much pressure with Easter… no need to remember this and that and this gift and that gift… just a simple Egg Hunt… some pretty dresses… a basket… some carrots! and then you can sit back have a mimosa and watch your kids make some big memories!
I love how they work so hard on coloring their eggs! tongues curled… toes strained… concentration!
The Easter Bunny hides the baskets in silly places… he did the same to my brother and me growing up… the stove, the tub, and this year the shower… don’t look at the grout guys!
sweet little bunny treats!
and then the hunt begins!
I love how damn sweet our oldest is with her little sister! It seriously melts my heart to hot chocolate…
She always looks out for her… at this moment Isabelle realized that Cecilia wasn’t finding as many eggs so she hurried over and gave her one… and then…
plop… snuck another one…
really truly sweetness!
happens at birthdays when there’s a pinata… she always runs over to make sure Cecilia got enough… if not… she grabs some in her bag and shares… I love this!
lamb for dinner…
a nice family Easter dinner… al fresco..
and then to wonder a bit…
Isabelle’s class field trip to Selby Botanical Gardens…