a nice day for a long hike…

ahhhh I just love these big open Swedish fields of golds and greens with giant skies… poppy flowers… I love how small we feel when we walk along side of the big patchwork of different colors of fields…
It was such a beautiful breezy day for a nice walk… the fields almost look like golden water swaying in the winds… it’s just so relaxing and totally what our bodies need.

teaching the girls where bread comes from as we walk along wheat and rye fields is the best way to learn…  

oh I just love a nice canopy road… like a nice tunnel of green is just so pretty!

oh sweet Isabelle how lovely you are growing…  

ah the sweet reward of a long walk sweet pancakes made by Auntie Malin for a nice forest treat! They were so good and we were so hungry! We sat by this giant beautiful lake and licked the jam from our fingers and gobbled them up!  

These girls can play make believe forever and ever… I hope it never ends… Here they played that they were living in apartments and had to go out and gather sticks for the fire every day… they had to pick berries for dinner and they were really old… like “teenagers” woah that’s old! 

oh the hiking sticks… the belly… the sweetness… m e l t i n g !!! 🙂 I think she looks like a downhill skier… right?  

such a nice day with the family… walking along this beautiful road just from our home…
I liked it so much that I have started to run again… it’s 10km there and back. I am trying to run it maybe 3 times a week… seems like a fun idea! makes my heart pretty happy!