a day on the farm is always nice…

I could see our girls happy as can be on acres and acres of land… maybe with a farm… so many jobs… so much fresh air… so much open space.
We live in the city in a tropical yard that is fenced in…
I dream of living in a place where I look in my backyard and see for miles…
I dream of being up to my elbows in amazing vegetables growing organically with chickens and kitty cats below my feet!
plucking corn and tomatoes into my basket for dinner… a checkered apron on and some sun tea resting on my porch…
but for now I’m a small city in Florida girl… instead of chickens there are lots of lizards and parrots… and well gosh, that’s pretty ok.

But in our little town we do have farms… it takes some time to get to but we have them. It’s important for us to see farms and actually where food comes from… This farm is a dairy farm and we actually get our milk from this farm in our grocery stores!
It’s such a sweet farm with a play area for kids and a nice picnic area too!