sidewalk chalk

During this Stay Home stage of life… we are trying to make things happy. We take walks every day around the neighborhood, saying hello to all the neighbors (at a distance). I must say that, in itself, is enough to make us happy! Some neighbors are growing vegetables in fun garden boxes and it’s fun to see how big they are growing day by day! A lot of families are moving to their front yards… maybe to see people and interact… there are lawn chairs and music playing… bubble machines… Our favorite is all of the sidewalk chalk… So much that we are trying to keep up with our masterpieces! We write happy messages on our sidewalk and draw rainbows and hearts. It’s nice to see as people walk by… they pause a bit to read and smile… then we wave! I think it’s a beautiful thing in such uncertain times to try to do little things to make people smile… it makes us smile just as well!