I never thought we would be a family of FIVE!!! Never in my wildest dreams…
Growing up I would think of the usual 2 kids, cat, house with a front porch…
I would play M.A.S.H. at lunch and end up with a shed married to Colin Stout and think well I guess that could be fine… at least I have a BMW… hahaha
It’s so great how life can surprise you… you have to let it. You can’t control your destiny you know. You can guide it a little, make choices, but you can’t force things that are meant to be.
well… 3 kids was such a fun surprise! I often find myself just taking a look at my kids and husband and this little life and think… wow, was M.A.S.H. ever a funny prediction of things! Moral of the story girls… don’t take M.A.S.H. so seriously!