a bounty of goodness…

if I could live on a farm I sure would…

it would be just a small farm… full of rows and rows of lavender… a nice plot of veggies… tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, strawberries, raspberry bushes, some corn, and boxes and boxes of the freshest herbs on earth with so many bees buzzing that I get an urge to make some honey too!

I would wake every day and feed my chickens and pluck some eggs for breakfast, take a paddle on my canoe, and water my veggies … hmmm and olives… and pick so many herbs and make some amazing fragrant olive oil to be sold at my shop in my little village… maybe I would take my horse to work… and my kids would wear no shoes and run and fly kites and stop for a fresh tomato break… this could be really fun… but I would have to live close to the beach too….


back a few weeks we went to a farm nearby and plucked some amazing tomatoes for pretty much FREE! The sun was blazing on us as we collected bags full.. Our littlest one fell fast asleep as I carried her in one arm and my tomatoes in another.. and easy balance… how nice to pick so much goodness and head home and make a feast!!!



yummy!!! so delicious… to take our time on a summer evening… no care of the time ticking and getting closer to bedtime… just slurping up every bit of pasta and enjoying every pop of each warm fresh tomato bursting with goodness!!!