lazy summer days…

It’s been wonderful and relaxing settling in to vacation mode… in a whole other land.. slowing down has been perfect for us… just a few shoots here and there to edit… fixing our dinners… trying to decide on beer or wine to have with dinner is usually our biggest dilemma… figuring out our days.. should we go to the city… the farm… go for a hike… the playground… it’s a really simple life.

 our girls spend the day peeling off little slugs from branches… plucking berries from the strawberry and raspberry bushes and of course trying to catch Mimi the cat… 

 I mean this garden… cannot believe it! real peonies blooming like fireworks… and a flamingo! what!

 well these little guys keep the girls busy… trying to keep them corralled and feeding them grass… so cute! 

 ahhhh there’s my little niece and my beautiful sister-in-law… I just love her to pieces! 

 ah perfect a little dandelion leaf wrapped around the snail… makes a perfect “sleeping bag…”

Mattias having fun fixing things here and there in this old beautiful home… I love how the floors creek and the doors squeak… so many little hidden places for the girls to play…